Monday, May 14, 2012

Who Is Morrissey?

So last night I saw Morrissey. I am quite embarrassed to admit that before last night I wasn't very familiar with his songs. Maybe just a couple but coming from the Smiths. So before heading out for the concert I had around 2 hours to educate myself.

I'm glad I went. I was surrounded by people who sang along to every single song Morrissey sang while waving their arms in the air (like they just don't care... well, they didn't care), so there. Then there was me standing in the middle of it and pretending to know the lyrics if I heard song that sounded vaguely familiar. I was just glad Morrissey DID sing the songs I knew, my favorite being "You're The One For Me, Fatty" and the other 2 songs "Everyday Is Like Sunday" and "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" (which was his last song. Perfect.)

It turned out to be a good night. I saw some faces I haven't seen in ages, witnessed Morrissey obscenely massage his very hairy chest–which was hard to miss despite the distance–and then quite magically become half naked in the blink of an eye throwing his soaking shirt of glorious British sweat into the very willing crowd (I am partially glad to have been at a distance at this point).

It was also the very first time–for two and a half hours–to actually wear and stand (in) high heels. In a concert. Not doing that again. But shit I looked good.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Happy Ron Burgundy Day!

Dear Ron Burgundy. Today I officially name my "time of the month" after you.
Because it really does feel like I am getting punched in the ovary.

★Late news I know but in case you missed Ron Burgundy's announcement on the upcoming ANCHORMAN 2.

Friday, April 06, 2012

Jesus Told Me, "I'll Be Back."

Matthew 26:26-27

If I had a talk show Zombie Jesus would be my first guest. I'm pretty sure he has a lot to say. Especially when it comes to that Easter Bunny. Yeah. That's right. Me and Zombie Jesus... we're on to you, mister. You and your eggs.

★ For more information on Zombie Jesus CLICK HERE.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Truth About The Master Cleanse

I have to say, this short movie got it about just right. I know exactly what this feels like. Well, minus the screaming at each other part. The master cleanse is not for the light hearted. And something that should never be started if you have no plan of actually completing the number of days you intended. But the final outcome is worth it. Not just for the weight loss (and if you get off it right you can actually lose even more weight) but the feeling of rejuvenation that it brings. Oh. And you end up becoming a cheap date again.

I find it silly meeting people who start the master cleanse and quit after 2 to 3 days into it. Not that I was never a victim of doing that. Which is probably why I haven't done it for some time now.

I should do the master cleanse again. My enthusiasm for food (quite obvious in this blog) is beginning to get out of hand. Should start shopping for some rope and tape. And then the lemons.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Find Waldo

No. Really. Where is that bastard?

Anyway, instead of bumping into Mr. Waldo (I'm starting to believe he actually does not exist.) we had the great opportunity of picking up cheap boneless bangus tinapa. I died. And then when I came back to life a week later we decided to head back to get some for the mother (she actually demanded we get her 2 to 3 kg of the stuff). The same man spotted us through the busy crowd and chased us down. Fresh batch too. The fish man knew we were coming.

★ If you want the best boneless bangus tinapa in town (for a very fabulous price) head on over to the corner of R. Hidalgo and Villalobos (in front of Quiapo Church and Plaza Miranda) and it is smoked fish paradise. So. Worth. It. Don't worry. No need to look for the Fish Man. Fish Man will find you.